
Happy international women's day!

❤ to all my sisters - we've got a long way to go before things are equal enough globally between the sexes, but at least the situation is much better than 100 years ago.

I think your biggest fight now is getting equality, respect and recognition in the Islamic world, and we are with you every step of the way. Happy international women's day!

Quotes, texts and links to celebrate #InternationalWomensDay:

"If you want to fight patriarchy but won't fight religion - you're not fighting patriarchy."
- Ali A. Rizvi: https://goo.gl/cGJX5c

"You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation."
- Brigham Young

We are sorry for the brief interruption today, but don't worry - tomorrow we are back to normal with the first of 364 consecutive days celebrating men all over the world. Hooray for men!

To women and men - stop using words like "sluts" and "hoes" about women who have sex in a way you don't agree with. You have NO ownership of their bodies, they should be free to do what they want without being shamed.

"You can tell who
the strong
women are. They
are the ones you
see building up
one another
instead of tearing
each other

These strong and inventive women changed the world, as shown in this video by Nobel Prize: https://goo.gl/LR9DUu

"Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people."
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on HBO looks at how difficult it can be for many women to have an abortion in the United States of America: https://goo.gl/EL6WQk

This shit needs to stop. Let women have full control of their bodies. Now.

Eight inventions by women that dudes got credit for, listed by Mother Jones: https://goo.gl/3G1QWg

Monopoly, nuclear fission, and programming - ladies did it first.


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