
Never lose any data again, and make sure that no one else can access it

Want to make sure that you never lose any data again, and that no one else can access it?
Follow these tips:
1a) Get 5Gb free space in the clouds with SugarSync, a free service to automatically sync your data to their secure online servers. It will automatically backup in real-time your chosen folders and update the backup with whatever happens inside them.

1b) Or you can backup your whole computer PLUS your external harddisks to CrashPlan, it's maximum $5 per month for unlimited cloud space. They seem like the best and cheapest online backup provider.

2) Also use free backup software like SyncBack for PC or Carbon Copy Cloner for Mac (also Synkron is decent) to automatically and regularly backup up your internal disk to an external big harddisk. If you use the built-in Time Machine for Mac, be aware that you can't boot from your TM backup in case your internal drive dies - but Carbon Copy Cloner lets you do just that.

3) Make sure you password protect your computer, and if you have very personal data (who doesn't?) also consider encrypting the disk or selected folders with free software like BoxCryptor or TrueCrypt. This protects your data if someone should steal your computer and access your hard drive. For Mac you can also use the built-in FileVault.

If all this seems like a hassle, get a nerdy friend to help you out and serve him (it's usually a him) a nice home-cooked meal and a bottle of wine. :)

And remember - all hard drives always die. It's not a question of if, but when. So you absolutely need one or more backups. The best solution is to have everything backed up to an external drive PLUS an Internet cloud service like SugarSync and/or CrashPlan.

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