
Americanism 101 - "Hot Chicks With Douchebags"

This is probably something Europeans wouldn't do - devote a site to "pictures of hot chicks with total and complete douchebags. With commentary."

But it's fun that some Americans do it, so check out "Hot Chicks With Douchebags". And they have a book too!

Some samples:

"Is Kareem here encroaching into stage one ‘baggery? Or does he exceed the height limit for douchebags? Will he and his woman be forever doomed to 68′ing one another (she does him, and he owes her one) due to incompatible sexual modularities?

Did I run this photo on the flimsiest of excuses just to showcase naughty-sweet Greta, who looks like a young Margot Kidder done right?"

"In a perfect world, this douchenozzle would have just drowned in the pool. These girls would have fished him out, not to help, but to make a mockery of his hipsterdouche beard and shaved, pallid torso.

In a perfect world, Gigglescarf would swipe his wallet, while Raven LeVamp kneed him in his cold, shrunken genitals. They would leave his limp, wet body on the terrace and head over here for a repast of cupcakes, Doritos and Manhattans, perhaps followed by belly pooching, and more of Raven’s Eye Of Coitus demonstrations.

But this is not a perfect world.

This is where douchebags feel the supple young boobies of poolside hotties press against them. This is the world where buffoonery and arrogance are rewarded with positive hott interaction.

This is why we must mock.

For the buffoons bed with the hotts tonight as the lone coyote howls over the hills and the tasty snack cakes lie in state in cellophane coffins."

"Somewhere in this gaggle of spring break sorority woo hotties I’ve hidden their pet Self Esteem project, Mort, who they hope they can rehabilitate by dressing like a wanskta.

Look closely. Can you stop gouging your eyes long enough to find him?"

Bonus pics:

The site goes years back, and these are just pics from the last weeks. So check it out, and enjoy their archives with thousands of douchebags with hot chicks. And as mentioned their book might be cool too...

P.S. I know I used "Americanism" in the wrong context, but I like how it looks anyway.

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