
How to solve "Dial failed, do you want to retry?"

For a while I had a problem with my laptop not being able to use my USB 3G modem to connect to the Internet. Everytime I tried to connect I got this error message:
"Dial failed, do you want to retry?"

I finally managed to solve the problem by going to Services and setting the Telephony Service to "automatic". For some reason it was disabled, that's what caused the error message.

So if you are having the same problem, make sure you try the solution I used. And if it works for you, please comment on this post. :)

(This was on Windows 7, using Indosat IM2 in Indonesia, but I think the same solution will work for other systems and providers as well.)


  1. Thank you very much, I solved in the same way with a USB 3G Key from Wind, in Italy.

  2. Thank you! In my case, in addition to the Telephony Service I also had to start the "Remote Access Connection Manager" and "Remote Access Auto Connection Manager" services on Windows Xp to get the modem to connect.

  3. I got the same issue and I was able to solve it by using "dstar2" method. thank you!

  4. By the way, my problem was all about the USB 3G key from Smart Bro. here in Philippines. Thanks again for sharing the solution. Up!

  5. im sorry to ask.
    where can i find th telephony setting? i havent found the solution yet. :(

  6. Control Panel > Services > Telephony Service

  7. Thank you very much.

    It works for me

  8. U r good
    Thnx solved probs

  9. it worked!!! THANKS BUDDY

  10. No it's not working in this procedure.Please help me.
    While connecting the internet 3g by dongle through laptop errors comes:- "Dial failed, Do you want to Retry?

  11. I can't help with this, since I don't have a PC anymore and I don't do support anyhow. But good luck!

  12. thanks a lot i did the same thing that solved my problem
