Is it possible to get rid of religion? I think so, and here's my take on how we can do that:
1) Religion is removed completely from everything that has to do with official and public life. In other words complete separation of church and state, no religious content in public service radio and TV stations, and certainly no financial support of any kind for religious activities or organizations. People are of course free to have their beliefs, but will not receive any kind of support for it.
2) Non-religious people must make sure they are not a member of the state church in their country. The more people who remain passive members, the more state churches can use their "but we are a religious country" argument. So contact the state church to see if you are a member, and if you are, make sure you cancel your membership. (Norwegian readers, read this for reasons and "how-to".)
3) Religion as a subject in school is removed, and instead taught in a dry and factual matter under the history subject. "Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists believe that.." etc. Evangelism of any kind will not be allowed, and religious teachers will not be permitted to claim that key events from the religions really happened (since it's not possible to prove it).
4) A new subject called "Moral, ethics and philosophy" will be introduced instead. Children will attend this subject all through-out their school years, maybe even from kindergarten. This subject will probably be based on a kind of "best of" from various philosophers and religions, but without any religious content. In such a subject the students will train their critical thinking in everything related to morality, ethics and philosophy.
The effect of all this? In a few generations there will be fewer religious and superstitious people, and a much bigger part of the population will think differently, more independently and wiser. They will be more tolerant and have more respect for each other's differences. And — there will be fewer differences if religion isn't part of defining identity anymore.
Religious groups might feel these measures are disrespectful to their faith, but that won't be true since they still have complete freedom to believe. The only change is simply that religion is removed from the visible society.
Please note that I'm not talking about communism or socialism here. Totalitarianism in the past has worked ruthlessly to actively forbid and criminalize religion — I'm not suggesting anything like that. No, what I've outlined is a natural part of democracy and very possible to achieve everywhere, especially in secular regions like northern Europe, in particular the Nordic countries.
I'm probably obliged to inform that I think religion (and the illogical and inhumane traditions that accompany it) is one of humanity's major problems. It leads to unimaginable amounts of suffering and practical problems for large population groups that are bound by their religious mindset. And the biggest victims are always women, LGBT and children.
Up until now culture, tradition and religion have always been interweaved and connected. But if humanity aims to become as enlightened and free as possible, we must in the long run minimize the significance of religion. We simply don't need it.
Culture is often misread as part of religion. For example how women are perceived in a culture, is often attributed to the prevalent religion in that culture, but it need not be the religion that supported those views to begin with. Instead religion is forged into, and become part of the culture, and the other way around.
ReplyDeleteThere are close ties between culture and religion. They go hand in hand and affect each other bilaterally. This is why it is sometimes difficult to distinguish one from the other.
However, the worst part of religion is that their set of beliefs often hinder science and progress with illogical rationales. It also begets racial bigotry and constructs illogical barriers between followers of different religions, and even religions that are very closely related. Sometimes this leads to violence, even war. It can be seen many places in the world; in the Middle East and even in Northeren Ireland. Of course cultural and territorial disputes are often rationalized by using religious differences to push a conflict further.
This is because religions are based on feelings more than facts. Trough thousands of years with no better system of knowing the world or creating good societies, this has had clear benefits. Until now, that is.
I'm sorry you feel this way, but I have to tell you that I believe you are wrong. Look what happened to Christianity when persecuted. Instead of destroying it, Christianity prospered. It has happened time and again throughout history.
ReplyDeleteAlso, without "religion" which gives people a moral standard by which to live, a country would quickly destroy itself. This has also been proved over and over again in the history of countries across the world.
I would thirdly like to say, that religion is a waste of time and effort if one does not not have a personal relationship with the Creator.
Are world is a mess of confusing religions because, instead of trying to serve the one true God, people are trying to put themselves in his place. Thus: mormonism, hinduism, muslim... If you are following a man your religion is vain anyway.
I would not stand against God if I were you. That's a very dangerous positon to put yourself in.
To Kebman: I concur!
ReplyDeleteTo Rebekah Tracht: I don't mean to be disrespectful, but your beliefs are exactly what I believe we must get rid of.
Even if Christianity may have prospered when persecuted, that's mostly an example of how people will hold on to a belief if something is challenging it, because they don't want to be wrong and lose their reason for living. Ibsen wrote: "If you take the life lie from an average man, you take away his happiness as well." This goes for a lot of people who grew up with religion, then later start doubting. To actually stop believing in a god is then very hard for them, because it has been such a big part of their previous identity.
And in any case, no one is going to persecute religion. I'm just saying we do not give money to religious activities and do not display it in public life. We marginalize it, no persecution is involved.
You say that "without religion giving people a moral standard by which to live, a country would quickly destroy itself." Please give examples for this, and do not use communist or socialist regimes that banned and criminalized religion, since my suggestions include full freedom of belief and thus have nothing to do with the totalitarianism of the past.
I actually agree with you that "religion is a waste of time and effort if one does not not have a personal relationship with the Creator" and that "instead of trying to serve the one true God, people are trying to put themselves in his place." The only difference between you and me is that I would substitute "Creator" and "God" with "higher self". That's why I believe most religious people are confusing what they believe to be a god with their higher self - their inner compass of ethics and morals which involve their true humanity - and that if they dare to challenge their beliefs and break free from their old identity as a religious person, they would come to the same conclusion.
Thanks for replying, and about your warning that I shouldn't "stand against God" and how that's a "very dangerous positon to put yourself in" - well, there is no god. So I need not be afraid of anything. :)
And You are saying that if u eliminate religion you have the solution to all our problem! Excuse the Fuck out of me for not being as intellectual as you dumb fuck! Explain to me..............why??????? All the fucking questions that are in MY head!! Since you have all the answers!!!!! And you know why the earth spins in its orbit and why the oceans say ,"This is where I stop!" You Mr. Genius telllll meeee WHHHYYYYY!
ReplyDeleteI can"t stand people who don"t believe in God and can't explain Him!!
ReplyDeleteTo anonymous:
ReplyDeleteYou didn't read my post correctly. I didn't say that getting rid of religion is the "solution to all our problems", but I think it will solve many of them. Religion creates many more problems than it solves.
Of course I cannot answer "all the fucking questions that are in your head", and you have every right to believe in whatever you want. I'm just saying we officially stop promoting and funding religion.
Mandybird: Why should I "explain" any gods? I just don't believe in any god, and if you can't stand people like me, maybe you might want to change your attitude. OK, you are religious, but that doesn't mean you should disrespect people who aren't.
I still can't stop being surprised that "believers" are always violent, agressive, defensive and feel offended by other people that don't share their beliefs (that meaning either you don't believe in any god or you just don't believe in their god).
ReplyDeleteThis was the first thing that made me give up religion and opened my eyes that all these concepts make no sense. When I asked questions i received no answers or angry answers ("how can you say that? blasphemy" ...etc).
I'm from a former communist state, grew up believing there's a God (Romania is a 99% religious state) and everything that comes out of it. And I did realize, as soon as I had acces to information (the internet era) that religion makes no sense, has no use but to brainwash and control the masses of people. Give them a God, and they will obey your commands with no question, everything explaing by a simple but yet so destructive word: "faith".
I agree with the ideas posted here, I would love to see the separation of state - religion, as I complete disagree with paying the salaries for priests that steal, rape and have no god. Or making rich the high priests that have a real economical power here.
There are many like me here, that are still affiliated to the state church just for our parent's sake or because we don't think about it.
For the above nasty comments: there are > 1.2 billion atheists in the world and the number icreases every year as a consequence of efforts of several intelectuals (the likes of Dawkins, Hitchens and so on).
I belive this is the most important achievement we should have in this century, to put the basis for the future.
@Rebekah Tracht:
ReplyDeleteI am also curious to know which countries destroyed themselves because of the lack of religion. I really don't have any example in my mind. Basically the countries that destroy themselves constantly are especially for religious reasons (see Arab countries, the Africans are very religious people and so on).
So, what are you talking about?
Regarding putting yourself in a dangerous position because we doubt the existence of god, well if he is so good and forgiving and so on, we can just turn religious at 60, say a few prayers, pay a few priests and our sins are forgiven.
But if there was a god, I would quote Dawkins with a question I have for him: "why does he work so hard to hide himself?".
ReplyDelete..Evangelism of any kind will not be allowed, and religious teachers will not be permitted to claim that key events from the religions really happened (since it's not possible to prove it)...
And the archaeological excavations that have proved locations and events in the Bible won't be discussed or taught? You can't discount proven history just because it backs up what the Bible states happened.
However, you are right, religion will be done away with. The U.N. is about to destroy world religions. Unfortunately, you probably won't have any confidence in this as it was foretold...guess where? The Bible!
Jehovah's wittness ?
DeleteSince there is no evidence for all the esoteric and supernatural things, of course none of that will be taught in schools. And the actual historical evidence for some of the locations and events in the Bible are easy to find out, it shouldn't be part of any curriculum.
ReplyDeleteAnd how do you mean the U.N. will destroy world religions? For me it seems religion is only growing, especially (and unfortunately) Islam.
Mandybird the explanation is simple but you won't accept it. Your religion is a product of ignorance and the need to have events explained by people who were illiterate and had the overwhelming urge to enslave the poor and stupid. You are too dumb to seek answers about the origin of your own cult so you have the burden of proof for you barbaric beliefs period. Reality wins over fantasy every time.
ReplyDeleteIf Anonymous the crybaby wants answers then they need to get off their butt and start learning and looking for them. If you want to believe in garbage just believe what other people tell you and don't question it. It has worked for cults for centuries but they call themselves religions now.
I don't tolerate stupid hateful people and I shouldn't foot the bill for their hateful, ignorant and irresponsible behavior. Religion is not a solution to problems or the one true cult would have been revealed already and we would have a Utopian society in which women were traded as animals and others were enslaved just like the UNholy books whine about.
Wait, people started investigating their world and history contradicts pathetic stories where writers put down rumors. These rumors were twenty years or more after an imaginary person with no proof of existence killed kids and brought them back. If you claim Jesus is real then where is the proof? You eat flesh and drink blood regularly? Faith is laughed at in scientific venues for many reasons. Faith is proof of gullibility and ignorance. When some idiot signs a statement with no surname and has no other witnesses... When no two accounts are the same and they argue about what happened and how... When you have too many religions with too many similarities all claiming to be different...then the stink of the mountain of BS is just too strong to be ignored. They can't even AGREE on where Mt. Sinai is! Who was the prophet? Jesus? No it was Mohammed! No? Then Abraham? Wait, there's no prophet? There is plenty of PROFIT though.
Religious trolls can't even bring an argument to the table that makes any sense let alone one that's valid.
I'm late in the thread, but I think for a viable solution, you need to view religion as what it is: Mass delusion.
ReplyDeleteIt is based on no rationale, and despite all the different religions out there, each and everyone of them say they are the ones who are right. This is based on something that don't exist, never was proven and constantly shrink in face of science.
The world used to be flat, the sun to spin around the earth and everything was created by some god. We now know how earth was created, that it is not flat and that our world orbit around the sun. Still, they still use God to explain everything that remains unknown.
The idea of God will fade, shrink and disapear as science progress. So part of your solution should be both found in time and doing everything possible to further science.
The other part of the solution would be more immediate, using mass media and simply instill a new form of mass delusion to change the beleif toward science. While they would not have the scientific knowledge per say, they would at least not impede it. Because let's face it, it's not important such people understand, they are dumb to begin with and a lost cause. We can still love them, like u love a pet but as far as I am concerned, they are brain dead and I given up on religious freaks.
Ya, I disgressed by the end, but felt good. Sorry.
There is nothing moral about religion, it is the exact opposite. Violence against each other leads from religion, there is no such pathway from non-theism. Religion = stupidity, lazyness and violence. Non-theism = enlightenment, freedom and peace. Religion has survived due to the obscene amount of money being purged from its followers, they are all like sheep, all blindly following their so-called god. You'd get the same intangible mileage from following fairies, santa clause, thor, wotan, shishab, odin etc.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, most religious people do not even understand their own religion.
ReplyDeleteMost religious organizations are funded by private donors. If you don't want to fund them, don't. But that doesn't mean you should prevent others from funding them. Several religious non profits actually provide a lot of services that would otherwise be unfunded. Most homeless missions, and other outreach based programs are funded by religious organizations.
I think that we use words that people have said and either use them to control people or to liberate them.
The Book of Job (Denzel Washington) was a fantastic futuristic setting for how words can be used to destroy or build. Whether you are spouting spiritual ideas or scientific ones, you can control people or liberate them.
By insisting that people change fundamentally how they think and do things instead of letting them come to a conclusion naturally, is about as rational as beating a dead horse.
1) No-one is preventing private people or corporations from funding religion, but I am saying that the state and other official channels should not. Tax money should never ever be spent on anything religious, or organisations that has a religious charter or purpose.
ReplyDelete2) Services that would otherwise be unfunded could be funded by e.g. the money that would previously go to the religious organisations that used to perform them.
3) People will come to a natural conclusion, but it will not be paid for by tax payers, and no-one will have to endure religious content anywhere in official media, since it will be removed. (Private people or corporations are of course still allowed to broadcast religious content, as long as they don't receive public funding.)